The new thing on the block for people wanting to lose weight is the calorie shifting diet plan for weight loss. It is very simple to follow and does not require starvation or restrain of any kind. You can consume four meals a day just like before. There is no need for compulsory physical exercise, though exercise has been shown to aid in fast weight loss even in this calorie shifting diet.
The calorie shifting diet or the Fat Loss 4 Idiots has become very popular in recent times. It is an eating method in which the calories that you consume in the form of normal food are given to you through other food items. This is done by following computer software generated menus. These are made to meet individual needs and so everyone gets one customized to suit his or her requirements.
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The program is based on the concept that during a diet the rate of metabolism decreases. Once the diet is abandoned, weight increases again. Thus by following this new diet plan there is no slowing down of metabolism and hence the increase in weight once the program is over is minimal. The diet is very easy to follow and hence easily fits into anybody's routine.
The calorie shifting diet makes new menus based on a dieter's favorite foods that help in shedding extra flab. You can continue with your four meals a day. The food prescribed includes those that can be easily prepared and the raw materials and ingredients are easily available at the grocer's. The menus can be easily prepared and are not time consuming. Another very interesting aspect of this new diet is that the food would not get boring since the computer program can generate a new menu for you whenever you want one. Thus all in all, this is a healthy weight loss method and can be tried by one and all.
Exercise And Calorie Shifting Diet
Working out or exercising is not compulsory while on the diet but the goals are easily reached when the diet is accompanied and supported by regular exercise. Exercising gives the body a healthy tone and aids in weight loss. Those who tried the diet along with the exercise program found it more rewarding and witnessed an effective loss in weight when compared with those dieters who stuck to only the menus provided and refrained from any kind of physical activity towards losing weight.
It is wise to keep a rational goal while embarking on this diet. The diet promises a loss in weight by 9 pounds in 11 days. The crux is to follow the diet regimen diligently. Any deviations would only prolong the goal. If practiced judiciously the diet is believed to aid in fast weight loss and that too permanently. This new weight loss diet also insists in the consumption of 2.5 to 3 liters of water, everyday. Weigh yourself after the first 11 days to see results!
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